Personal Care 

In order for our  cherished loved ones to keep their dignity and feelings of self confidence as they age, it's important to assist them in maintaining a very good personal care regime. When we think of personal care, we tend to consider grooming, but there are many elements involved. Grooming is genuinely one factor, but there is additionally bathing, hygiene (including oral hygiene), toileting/continence care and dressing. When a person is unhappy with the way they look, it will have an effect on how they feel.             

Being properly groomed and maintaining  excellent personal hygiene is one way we can assist the aged and promote positive feelings of self worth. Requiring help to preserve one’s grooming and private hygiene may be embarrassing for an older person, so it’s essential to foster feelings of trust and and respect. As humans we all value our dignity, so we need to respect that by being calm, gentle and comfortable when providing care. Each person’s grooming and private care wishes will vary depending on their health and mobility. It’s important to assess the extent of care support required and implement these as`directed. Good conversation is imperative, especially when discussing something this is usually a private matter. Ask the older person how they wish to receive help and provided they are  safe to do so, let them be as independent as possible. A few recommendations for supporting your cherished loved elder are: –

Make certain room is warm and the floor  is not wet or slippery
Test water temperature – make sure it is not too hot or cold 
Make sure soap, body wash, washer and towel are within easy reach
Be gentle – an aged individual’s pores and skin is fragile and might tear/mark quite easily
Ask them if they are wanting to have  their hair washed. They may not  appreciate having their hair wet if they have just had it  freshly set  Always use a  quality moisturiser for the entire body to prevent dryness

DRESSING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Offer a number of  choices so the elderly person can keep some independence
Lay garments out so it’s clear for them what to put on first – undies etc. Choose clothes which can be easier to get dressed in – i. E. Fewer buttons and complicated fastenings

if required, make sure suitable continence aids are available
Restricted mobility will effect toileting habits so it’s essential to be aware of their personal privacy needs

Maintain regular dental appointments
Ensure brushing and flossing habits are maintained, whether natural teeth or dentures
Wash and rub down gums daily with a soft cloth
Leave dentures out whilst napping throughout the day to rest mouth and gums and to prevent possible choking

Make appointments for a regular haircut or other hairdressing needs  –colour, perm, wash and/or blow wave
Provide assistance to shave if necessary 
Provide assistance to attend grooming, beauty therapy appointments when required – nail cutting/pedicure, mild facials, hand or foot rub down.

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